The Black Death

The Black Death was a series of deadly plagues that hit Europe between 1347 and 1351. When the Black Death hit, a lot of people died. How did the Black Death get to Europe? Well, it was because of trade. A boat brought the things that it needed to trade, and n the boat were rats and fleas. So, what did the rats and fleas carry: the disease! The rats were actually the ones with the disease, but, when the fleas bit the rats, the fleas got the disease, and when the fleas bit humans, humans then got the disease. The disease spread to the north, west, and the east from Europe. As people kept on trading, each person carried the disease with them to new places. With people trading and trading, more and more people got the disease. When the Black Death was "over," the manorial system was messed up. There wasn't a lot of peasants left, so when the lord wanted the peasants to work for them, the peasants could tell the lord to pay them more because there were only a few peasants left.